Il compound costituente la massa impermeabilizzante delle membrane TAGLIAMURO è formato da una mescola di bitume distillato residuo vuoto modificato con polimeri plastomerici a base di polipropilene atattico, polipropilene isotattico, compatibilizzanti sintetici e filler inerti stabilizzanti. Il compound è resistente ai raggi UV, termicamente stabile e flessibile alle basse temperature.


The reinforcement used for TAGLIAMURO PL membranes is made up of a non-woven polyester mat stabilized with glass fibres, which gives to the product sufficient mechanical and breaking elongation characteristics, as well as very good dimensional stability.


The TAGLIAMURO PL membrane is treated on the upper side with non-stick filler; other finishings such as polymeric film and non-woven may also be used. The lower side is finished with PE torch-on film; other finishings such as aggregate, polymeric films, non-woven non-stick polymers may also be used.


For “pontage” usage of the membrane, the laying deck must be clean, smooth and dry, if necessary treated with VERVAL PRIMER (solvent based) for an easier adhesion or with ECOPRIMER (water based); the membrane has to be applied on the crack by torching the lower side with propan gas light flame on one side only.


The waterproofing compound of TAGLIAMURO membranes is made up of a mix of empty residue distilled bitumen modified with plastomeric polymers based on atactic polypropylene, isotactic polypropylene, synthetic rubber and stabilizing aggregate fillers. The compound is UV rays resistant, thermally stable and flexible at low temperatures.


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