Coloured and elastomeric liquid mem brane for the surfaces protection whereas very good wa terproofing characteristics and a nice aesthetic aspect are requested. AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, grey, green, terracotta.
Coloured and elastomeric liquid mem brane for the surfaces protection whereas very good wa terproofing characteristics and a nice aesthetic aspect are requested. AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, grey, green, terracotta.
The company’s orientation on low im pact environmental products and the continuous re search of Valli Zabban laboratories led to the making
of a product based on very high quality bitumen and
polymers in watery emulsion and special components
of exceptional characteristics.
IDROVAL ELASTIC is a ready to use very low impact
environmental product. It has been specifically formu lated to achieve the waterproofing l...
Cold bituminous conglomerate made
of Modified Bitumen SBS containing powdered SBR/
NR coming from end of life tyres (ELT).