Il compound costituente la massa impermeabilizzante delle membrane GUMMIFLEX PL CLASSIC è formato da una mescola di bitume distillato BTF BLENDED modificato con polimeri elastoplastomerici a base di polipropilene atattico, polipropilene isotattico e compatibilizzanti sintetici. Il compound BTF BLENDED è resistente ai raggi UV, termicamente stabile e molto flessibile alle basse temperature.
The waterproofing compound of GUM MIFLEX PL CLASSIC membranes is made up of a mix of BTF BLENDED distilled bitumen modified with ela stoplastomeric polymers based on atactic polypropy lene, isotactic polypropylene and synthetic rubber. This compound is defined by a waterproofing mass with specific weight equal to 1, much lighter than the current standard, without the use of lightening pro ducts. REINFORCEMENT The reinforcement used for GUM MIFLEX PL CLASSIC 51 membranes is made up of a non-woven spunbond polyester mat stabilized with glass fibres
APP modified bitumen membrane. This product is designed as base layer in a multi layer waterproofing systems for both new roofing works and refurbishment works. Base layer in a multi layer waterproofing systems according with EN13707 for flat roofs.
...High performance polyolefine APAO modified bitumen membrane for roofing works. This product is designed as base layer in a multi layer waterproofing systems for both new roofing works and refurbishment works. This product is also approved for foundation waterproofing works. Single layer roofing systems according with EN13707 for flat roofs. Layer for foundation waterproofing works according with EN13969.