Semi-opaque water paint for foot-traf fic areas. It is suitable to protect and improve the ap pearance of bituminous conglomerate or cement pa vements such as: tennis courts, field tracks, alleys and sidewalks. AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green
Semi-opaque water paint for foot-traf fic areas. It is suitable to protect and improve the ap pearance of bituminous conglomerate or cement pa vements such as: tennis courts, field tracks, alleys and sidewalks. AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green
Liquid membrane, elastomeric, fi bre-reinforced, water based, coloured, stagnation re sistant, for the surfaces protection whereas very good
waterproofing characteristics are requested.
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, grey, green
Water-based coloured product specifi cally formulated for the protection and/or decoration of
prefabricated bitumen polymer membranes.
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green, grey.